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Safety Shield

Safety Shield

Product description

Prevents uncontrolled leakage of dangerous liquids from flanged pipe connections according to the directive of the German chemical trade association (BGI 595). It effectively protects operators and production plants from irritating, corrosive, toxic, hot, combustible and water polluting products. It can be made in heat-sealed fabric, stitched and in steel. It includes Velcro closure and drawstrings for quick and easy fixing.

T Min°C
T Max°C


They are mainly used for valves and flanges and are certified for food and pharmaceutical uses.

Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes



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Cristiani Bisconti Srl - Villasanta, Via San Fiorano 71|73, C.F. 00890120157, P.IVA 00699150967.

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