Product description
Splicing based on graphite, high-quality aramid fibres, special functional fillers and NBR elastomeric binders. The Novatec® PREMIUM XP material provides superior performance compared to conventional splices due to its high graphite content, which has been morphologically modified to increase performance. The material is obtained through compression processes that allow for exceptional strength and excellent residual stress value, so there is no need for a metal reinforcement, which also improves the chemical resistance of the gasket. Performance is guaranteed up to a maximum temperature of 250°C. The gasket is royal blue with black honeycomb print and a thickness of 1 to 3 mm.
T Min°C
T Max°C
Sealing in contact with non-oxidizers fluids at very high temperatures and pressures.
Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes