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Extruded Silicone Profiles

Extruded Silicone Profiles

Product description

They are made of silicone compound and are mainly used where special temperature resistance or contact with foodstuffs is required. They can be extruded in either a compact compound or an expanded compound when required. The standard shore hardness of the compact silicone profiles is 60 SH A and the density of the expanded silicone profiles varies according to profile size. The profiles are available in standard colors: red, light blue, white and grey.

T Min°C
T Max°C


They are mainly used in the food industry.

Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes



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Cristiani Bisconti Srl - Villasanta, Via San Fiorano 71|73, C.F. 00890120157, P.IVA 00699150967.

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