FEP/PFA Encapsulated O-rings
Product description
Encapsulated O-rings consist of an elastomer core encapsulated in a liner. The core can be made of Viton® (FKM) or silicone (VMQ) and the liner of FEP or PFA and can be made with a hollow core for applications with low clamping loads. Encapsulated O-rings are used when elastomers, of the standard O-rings, are incompatible for use in contact with chemicals and the use of PTFE O-rings is unsuitable due to poor elasticity. Gaskets can be made in any size and, unlike bagged gaskets, have the advantage of being fully encapsulated. FEP encapsulated O-rings resist contact with a wide range of chemicals and provide low friction as well as improved abrasion resistance.
T Min°C
T Max°C
Mainly used in the chemical, petroleum, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries.
Notice: The operating temperature and pressure limits do not apply simultaneously, they depend on various factors and can only be indicated for guidance purposes